By now you've probably seen the story.
Headline: Deer Hunter Shoots 'Gator!
No, that's not pulled from the National Enquirer! Minnesota deer hunter Cory Klocek put the story of his opening day 'gator hunt on his Facebook page, and it was shared from there more than 57,000 times!
I finally got in touch with Cory and interviewed him for the official story, one that makes a couple of corrections (he didn't go back to his truck to get a .22), and additions (who he was with, why he was hunting there, and yes, there is a Covid connection).
You can read about it in my article, "Minnesota Surf and Turf — Louisiana Style" at Deer & Deer Hunting Online, posted on December 3, 2020. Even if you've heard about it already, you'll want to read this one.