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Review of Sorensen's "Northern Scratchbox" Turkey Call

by Steve Sorensen | The Everyday Hunter®

(Bradford, PA, June 29, 2019)

"The big Tom gobbled on the roost while it was still dark, and I slid in closer. It slowly grew lighter and the turkey continued to gobble — in fact, he wouldn’t shut up. I hoped no other hunter could hear him.I made several low calls and he hammered right back at me. My heart was pounding and my glasses fogging over....

"Two hens joined him and for the next hour they never left a 50-yard circle.I used my mouth call, box call, slate call and yelper. The gobbler answered them all, but wouldn’t budge from the hens who studiously ignored me. Frustrated, I dug through my vest and found an old, beat up scratch box... with nothing to lose I gave a few clucks.... the hen’s heads flew up and they started my way, the gobbler following. I shot the gobbler at 25 yards. Who would have thought the old scratch box would work when all else failed?"

So begins Wade Robertson's solid review of my Northern Scratchbox turkey call for Saturday's Bradford Era (June 29). Wade is a turkey call aficionado. He not only knows turkeys, he has lots of calls and he knows how to use them. He's in "expert class" when it comes to spring gobbler hunting. (And he agrees with what I say — you can't have too many knives and you can't have too many turkey calls.) Check it out, then contact me to get a jump on next season.

Here's the link to Wade's review of The Northern Scratchbox: Interesting Turkey Call


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