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Start Now to Prepare for Turkey Season

by Steve Sorensen | The Everyday Hunter®

Spring is a very busy time. Here in the North we who are turkey hunting enthusiasts eagerly anticipate warmer air and sunshine that will eliminate all the snow and rejuvenate the landscape. But we have an enormous amount of work ahead of us because turkey season will be here before we know it, and we may need to burn the candle at both ends in order to be ready.

This week's column will help you to set your priorities as we head into spring. Remember, you have plenty to do that isn't related to turkey hunting, so don't overlook anything because you're really not ready for turkey season unless you properly line up the ducks of all your other responsibilities.

That's the message and the emphasis of my newest column (read it online in the Jamestown Gazette). Start Now to Prepare for Turkey Season will help you keep spring gobbler season from sneaking up on you.

To read other blog posts from MISSION: HUNTER. CLICK HERE to go to

(By the way, you can't have too many turkey calls, so add my custom scratchbox to your collection. It's deadly on stubborn gobbler, and you can order it here on my website. Just click on the "Turkey Call" tab above to take advantage of my pre-season FREE SHIpPING special.)

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